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If you live in my area I can see you for homevisits. In four short weeks, your family life
will improve. You'll feel in control once again while your child moves onto a more successful
path. Behavioral problems in children can cause social problems and can affect their life's journey.
I also help families all over the country via phone or internet visits. Read on to learn
how you and your child could benefit.
**Are you frustrated and not
enjoying your child as much
as you thought you would?
*Is parenting much more
work than you ever believed
it would be?
*Do marital issues affect the way you are parenting?
*Are you embarrassed when
your child acts up in public?
*Are the problems with your
child's behavior coming
between you and your
*Have you become the
"yelling parent" that you never
thought you'd be?

If your child has any
of the following
problems, I can help!
* temper tantrums
* aggression (hitting, kicking, throwing, biting)
* pushing or hitting you (or their teachers)
* not listening
* defiant behavior
* fears and anxiety
* over cautiousness
* developmental delays
* developmental concerns
* toilet training problems
* lack of confidence
* self esteem issues
* whining & demanding
* bedtime problems
* bossiness
* talking back
* difficulty making friends
* lying
* issues of divorce
* death of someone close to them or a pet
* problems in school
* poor social skills
How it all works!
When a child is taken to a therapists office, the same behavioral problems that you usually
see at home, seem to vanish! That's frequently what happened when children came to my
Over the years I have found that quicker results come when working within the child's
own environment. Within a week you can begin to see dramatic changes. And by the
end of 4 weeks we are finished! I observe behaviors and interactions and then am able
to customize a program to fit your family. For typical behavioral issues, I visit once a week for four
I ask you to choose the time of day that is the worst for you and your child.
The first visit is the longest, three hours. In that time, you just do what you'd usually do. I observe,
interact and work on a plan to help you learn how to take control over the problems and reduce your
frustration at the same time. When you begin to feel control over the situation, you begin to feel less
stressed. For the three following weeks, the visits are two hours each. Often parents will say,
"But they won't act up you're here!" And to this I would say that 99.9% of the children do. Even if they
don't, you've told me the issues and I still can strategize what will work the best for your family.
I come up with a plan that works the best for your family. Every family is different and faces different
challenges so customizing a plan that works for you will give the best results. That's one reason
why that first appointment is longer. Kids "forget" that I'm there after a period of time and just do
what they usually do what's frustrating you! For the few who have children that don't act up while
I'm there, it still works out. If they aren't acting out the first week, they are by the second week!
I still see much of what is going on even if they are trying to be on good behavior. I simply
work with what you tell me the problems are.
The four week program is a total of 9 hours.
Read some of the testimonials to see what other
parents have to say!
Click here to go to the Testimonials page:
Or click here to go to the Contact Me page:
I work in the Broward County, southern Palm Beach County and northern Dade County area
of Florida.
IF YOU LIVE OUT OF THE AREA don't let that stop you from getting the help you need. I've
done many phone and computer/Skype consultations over the years! I've worked with many
families in Canada and throughout the United States.
Just contact me and we'll work out what is best for your family.
Contact Me: /contact-me.html
see at home, seem to vanish! That's frequently what happened when children came to my
Over the years I have found that quicker results come when working within the child's
own environment. Within a week you can begin to see dramatic changes. And by the
end of 4 weeks we are finished! I observe behaviors and interactions and then am able
to customize a program to fit your family. For typical behavioral issues, I visit once a week for four
I ask you to choose the time of day that is the worst for you and your child.
The first visit is the longest, three hours. In that time, you just do what you'd usually do. I observe,
interact and work on a plan to help you learn how to take control over the problems and reduce your
frustration at the same time. When you begin to feel control over the situation, you begin to feel less
stressed. For the three following weeks, the visits are two hours each. Often parents will say,
"But they won't act up you're here!" And to this I would say that 99.9% of the children do. Even if they
don't, you've told me the issues and I still can strategize what will work the best for your family.
I come up with a plan that works the best for your family. Every family is different and faces different
challenges so customizing a plan that works for you will give the best results. That's one reason
why that first appointment is longer. Kids "forget" that I'm there after a period of time and just do
what they usually do what's frustrating you! For the few who have children that don't act up while
I'm there, it still works out. If they aren't acting out the first week, they are by the second week!
I still see much of what is going on even if they are trying to be on good behavior. I simply
work with what you tell me the problems are.
The four week program is a total of 9 hours.
Read some of the testimonials to see what other
parents have to say!
Click here to go to the Testimonials page:
Or click here to go to the Contact Me page:
I work in the Broward County, southern Palm Beach County and northern Dade County area
of Florida.
IF YOU LIVE OUT OF THE AREA don't let that stop you from getting the help you need. I've
done many phone and computer/Skype consultations over the years! I've worked with many
families in Canada and throughout the United States.
Just contact me and we'll work out what is best for your family.
Contact Me: /contact-me.html