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I know you've all heard that every child develops
differently! Many children seem so advanced in
verbal skills that the just seem older! But if you
look closely, you may see that other areas aren't
as strongly developed (i.e. fine motor, gross
motor, etc.) as another child.
Typically, by five years old, children catch up
to one another and you don't see the same
extremes in development as you do with
younger children.
I've created an "Ages and Stages" section so
that you can see some guidelines of typical
development. Look at the stages before and
after the age of your child to see if their is an
overlap, or just to see what's coming!
Treasure your child for who they are. Help
them develop confidence and strong self -
esteem and they will be successful in whatever
they choose to do!
differently! Many children seem so advanced in
verbal skills that the just seem older! But if you
look closely, you may see that other areas aren't
as strongly developed (i.e. fine motor, gross
motor, etc.) as another child.
Typically, by five years old, children catch up
to one another and you don't see the same
extremes in development as you do with
younger children.
I've created an "Ages and Stages" section so
that you can see some guidelines of typical
development. Look at the stages before and
after the age of your child to see if their is an
overlap, or just to see what's coming!
Treasure your child for who they are. Help
them develop confidence and strong self -
esteem and they will be successful in whatever
they choose to do!