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five to six
Five and six year old's world still revolve around
the family. Although they can have some strong
friendships at this age, they still look to their
family to "set the rules" in their life!
Starting school opens a new world to them and
they come into contact different ideas, ways of
behaving and a new set of rules. This can
definitely be confusing for them and each child
responds differently. So don't be surprised if
they come home acting clingy, bossy or
emotional (teary). It's all part of learning their
They are more eager to please but are also
experiencing the ages of conformity and are
frequently critical and like to point out people
who don't "follow the rules".
social and emotional
* copies adult behavior and loves their praise!
* more independent and in control of behavior
* is calm and friendly and not too demanding
with peers
* can play with one child or with groups but
usually prefers playing with the same sex child
* usually asks permission before they do
* may fear that their mother won't return
* loves conversation at meal time
* asks where babies come from
* if they don't like school, may develop nausea
& vomiting
* asks serious questions and wants to be
taken seriously
Social Changes
A few decades ago, kindergarten was all about
learning social skills. Not anymore! Children are
now expected to have many of the skills by the
time they start school.
Although working together, sharing, solving
problems and accepting differences are
continued to be worked on, the
expectations are higher, none the less!
This age group is still pretty innocent. They
believe that most everybody is their best friend.
The just love being around other children and
rarely care who they sit with at lunch!
The kindergarten age child loves to ask question
after question! It can be tiring, but have patience.
This age is ripe for knowledge and you want to help
them expand on this area of expanding cognitive
skills. Besides, you will learn more about what
happened during their day, what their interests
are and what they think about!
They are highly attuned to the world around
them and can find a simple trip to the store
exciting! (Take advantage of this by pointing
out numbers, letters, etc.) Being attuned
extends to other people too. They are highly
sensitive and can become very sad if they see
a classmate crying.
This sensitivity extends to books too! They
can become distraught over a story, even if
the main character is a cartoon animal!
They are learning feelings and frequently
don't know how to put their feelings into
words. Help them make the connections!