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four to five
Loud and silly are the words that come to mind
when I think of a four year old! They love to tell
you "jokes", are enthusiastic, constantly talking
and have vivid imaginations! Reality and "make
believe" are often confused and you will
frequently hear exaggerated stories.
Self confidence is demonstrated by their
willingness to try new activities. They love
adult approval after showing you their newly
acquired skills!
They are curious about their world and
frequently ask a lot of "why" questions about
more difficult topics.
They love time with friends and frequently
act out fears through dramatic play.
"Poopy" and "poo poo head" become favorite
phrases with hysterical laughter usually following!
language & cognitive skills
* has a complex vocabulary of up to 1500 words
* uses past tenses of verbs
* loves rhyming words
* grammar improves
* ability to tell more complex stories
* uses articles like "a" and "the"
*asks and answers "who", "what", "when",
"where" and "why"
* recognizes familiar words from books or
signs ("stop")
* understands the concepts of same, more,
in, under, on & above
* can recognize some letters if taught
* names 6-8 colors and 3 shapes
* follows two step directions
* enjoys singing simple songs and nonsense words
social & emotional
* takes turns and shares but can be bossy
* occasionally throws tantrums over minor
* continually asks "why"
* enjoys dramatic play and role playing
* capable of feeling jealous
* tries to be very independent
* can understand and follow simple rules
* frequently has imaginary playmates
* shows off and brags about possessions
* tries to be very independent
motor skills
* hops on one foot
* throws, catches and bounces a ball easily
* can do somersaults
* dresses herself with little assistance
* can comb hair, brush teeth, and hang up
* easily runs, jumps, skips and hops around
* can cut out a picture using scissors
* prints some letters
* able to draw person that has a body